Medical Poland Pre-Test Course is a learning and revision support tool designed by Medical Poland’s experienced academic team to help applicants increase their chances of successfully passing entrance exams and tests for the Polish medical and veterinary schools.
Biology Diagnostic Test (here)
Chemistry Diagnostic Test (here)
Physics Diagnostic Test (here)
Should you wish to see where you stand with your knowledge against what may be expected at tests/interviews for medical schools in Poland, please solve the tests and send them to
Medical Poland Pre-Test Course has been introduced to make candidates more comfortable going through admission processes and address slight curricular differences between Polish secondary school curriculum and international equivalents that may occur in some cases. Pre-Test Course also amplifies important and useful sciences knowledge required and used in medicine.
The Course is tailored to every individual student's needs, circumstances, learning style and knowledge levels in each of the subjects it is available in: Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Course participants obtain access to Pearson Education platform with the most relevant course book from a given subject(s). They are then guided by Medical Poland´s academic tutors who help identify areas for improvement and supervise and guide through the assigned material, tests, quizzes and tasks.Tutors are also available if additional support or explanation is required. On top of content worked on with tutor student has access to the platform (including course book) until end of 2020.
The course content, length, intensity and difficulty level (and cost) are determined by the following:
• Subject taken
• Result of our diagnostic test(s)
• University(ies) targeted
• Secondary school curriculum differences
• Predicted grades
•Areas for improvement identified by the student
Mode: Online learning platform; email.
Dates: individual
Length: individual
Cost: Individual